Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Petition to support the Pope

Action: please sign up here. Support the Pope against the extraordinary campaigns of the international media, which seems determined to stop him doing or saying anything contrary to the liberal agenda.

Text of the petition:

Appeal from plain Catholic faithful. 

This letter gathers different Catholic faithful, from different tendencies, who wish to support the pope in his brave gesture. 

The authors of this site assure you of the complete confidentiality guaranteed to the names of the signatories, the list of which will be transmitted only to the Holy See. 

On January, 21st, You decided, Holy Father, to put an end to the excommunication which pressed on the bishops of the The Society of Saint Pius X. By this brave gesture, You acted as the minister of the herd entrusted to You by God. 

We are men and women invested in the life of our city, we are fathers and mothers with a family or unmarried and, after stormy times, when « the boat seemed to take the water everywhere », we wish to build with You the Church of tomorrow with its Tradition for base. This project includes inevitably the transmission of the Faith to the future generations, by the love of the Catholic Liturgy and by the defence of the human life. 

By this letter, we wish above all to express You our deep gratitude. If this historic gesture can provoque on You the denial from certain hostile media making confused mixtures, it arouses in us a tremendous joy and fills us with Hope. We prayed for Your intentions, according to the demand which You formulated at the beginning of Your Pontificate: « Pray for me, that I may not flee for fear of the wolves.(1)» 

We want, by affixing our signature to this letter, to communicate to You our age and the number of our children to say to You that with You, we want to build the Christendom for the generations which will follow us, hoping wholeheartedly that this Christianity will be self-confident and will proclaim to all World the Credo. 

So, it is in a spirit of filial respect that we bring You our support and our daily prayers for the pursuit of Your Pontificate, so that God's Church will emerge increased by it. (1) Benedict XVI, April 25th, 2005 "Nothing emboldens more the audacity of the naughty ones than the weakness of kind people" Leon XIII, encyclical Sapientæ Christianæ, January 10th, 1890

Signed, inter alia, by 


Anonymous said...

So you think that it is a good idea for the Church to be associated with Holocaust deniers?

Hercules said...

Why don't you read the post to find out what we think is a 'good idea'?

Pope Leo XIII's Prayer to St Michael

Holy Michael, Archangel, defend us in the day of battle. Be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, thrust down to Hell Satan, and all wicked spirits who wander through the world for the ruin of souls. Amen