Monday, December 10, 2007

Martin Pendergast and the SORs

Action: please protest to Cardinal Murphy-O'Connor and to Rome. The Sexual Orientation Regulations, now in force, aroused sustained and reasoned opposition not just from independent Catholic commentators but from the Pope himself and the Bishops of England and Wales and Scotland, notably by Cardinal Muphy-O'Connor and Cardinal O'Brien, the Archbishop of Birmingham and the Bishop of Lancaster. It in this context the homosexual activist par excellence who is deeply embedded in the Bishops' Conference 'establishment', Martin Pendergast, read out a joint statement for a gay conference which included the following:

We reject the activities of certain religious leaders, seeking exemptions from equality legislation, and attempts to base this on the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion, such a right being for all, not just for some. We deplore the internalised homophobia within religious institutions that fails to confront prejudice and hate.

(Full text here; Pendergast's voice reading it out here.)

Pendergast is standing for election within the 'Soho Masses Pastoral Council' and this is his description:

Martin Pendergast - seconded by Joe Stanley - lives in East London and has been involved with these Masses since April 1999. He coordinates music and liturgy in a local parish and offers these skills in planning Soho Masses liturgies. He has extensive experience of LGBT networks, as well as working with Church structures in pastoral planning at local, national, and international levels. He’s been an SMPC member since 2005, in the role of Secretary.

You bet he's 'worked with Church structures'! His 'civil partner' was head of CAFOD, and he was the key figure in setting these Mases up: Masses not for homosexuals seeking to live according to the Church's teaching, but for those who embrace an immoral lifestyle. This point is reiterated with every dissident priest invited to preach and every newsletter item promoting events of the militant gay sub-culture, such as the Gay Pride March in which the SMPC was an official participant.

Will the Bishops, whose opposition to the SORs we applaud, ever understand that their friend Pendergast wants to do nothing but stab them in the back?


Anonymous said...

"The task of any religion is to teach us whom we're required to love, not whom we're entitled to hate'

Rabbi Harold Kushner

Anonymous said...

A fine sentiment, and one Mr Pendergast's supporters would do well to ponder. The vitriol spread by the gay lobby has to be read to be believed; you should see the comments we don't publish!

Pope Leo XIII's Prayer to St Michael

Holy Michael, Archangel, defend us in the day of battle. Be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, thrust down to Hell Satan, and all wicked spirits who wander through the world for the ruin of souls. Amen