Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Graglia against Feminism: 1

Briefing. It is ten years since the publication of F. Carolyn Graglia's book 'Domestic Tranquility: a Brief Against Feminism'. (; The arguments of this book are as important today as ever, and need to be reiterated. To this end CAUK will publish a series of short extracts from this book.  

Graglia's talk 'Can the Traditional Family Survive Feminism?' can be read here and downloaded as an MP3 here. Other articles by her are available here.

For more on the very worrying influence of militant Feminism within the Catholic Church in the UK, see the articles by Patricia Phillips on the Catholic Feminism website.

Among the key ideas of the book is that the revolution in family life which took place in the 1960s and 1970s was led in large part by a vicious attack, by feminists, on the ideal of the full-time mother, the housewife. In order to support and restore the traditional family, this ideal needs to be defended and promoted once more.

From the book (pp38-39).
[A] dramatic shft in mothers' exertions away from the daily routine of her home is the most critical change wrought by the feminist revolution and one its apologists seek to deny. It is not the case--as they would have us believe--that women have continued their domestic endeavors within the home, particularly tending to their children, even as they have "expanded their horizons" outside the home. Whatever the arrangments for surrogate care, the relationship which exists between the mother who is at home all day and her child no longer exists when that mother enters the workplace.
The attempt to rationalize this change--even to make it appear for the better--spawned that most ironic phrase "quality time" to describe those moments a working mother spends with her child. It is as if the phrasemakers thought a mother fresh from her day in the marketplace would infuse these moments with a vim, vigor, and verve that would readily surpass the anemic exertions to be expected from the type of woman who chooses to stay at home. In child care there is no quality without quantity. Most mothers who competently provide the full-time daily care of their children know that spokemen for the "helping professions" who employ this jargon of "quality time" (now blessedly in waning use) are either blinded by their committment to feminist ideology or have no grasp of the depth of interactions that occur with one's children during the course of an ordinary day at home.

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Pope Leo XIII's Prayer to St Michael

Holy Michael, Archangel, defend us in the day of battle. Be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, thrust down to Hell Satan, and all wicked spirits who wander through the world for the ruin of souls. Amen