Sunday, May 11, 2008

Hybrids bill: Prayer Vigil and Mass Lobby, reminders

Prayer Vigil—Monday 12th May, 2 pm

In order to mark this Second Reading of the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Bill in the House of Commons on Monday 12th May we will be holding a prayer vigil together with other groups.

We are expecting a counter demonstration from supporters of the Bill so it would be good to have as many people present as possible.

PLEASE COME to our prayer vigil outside Parliament, invite members of your church, Christian groups, family and friends. We will gather at 2pm on 12th May in Old Palace Yard, opposite St Stephen’s Entrance to the House of Lords, Westminster.

At Second Reading, MPs vote on the ‘principle’ of the whole Bill. This is usually a formality and then the Bill goes through to its Committee Stages, Report and Third Reading where MPs can vote on specific amendments.

With faith and humility we must come together to pray for a great miracle. Monday, 12th May is the day after Pentecost and exactly 2 years since the miraculous defeat at Second Reading of the Joffe Bill which would have legalised euthanasia in this country. We would like Christians everywhere to come in their hundreds and stand outside Parliament and pray for this miracle; pray that MPs will vote against the principle of the Bill. If such a vote is won then the Bill will be defeated right from the outset.

It is vital that MPs continue to be lobbied at this time. We must continue our campaign, contacting our MPs to secure their vote against the Bill at Second
Reading and beyond if necessary.

A key point to make at this time, is that there appears to be insufficient Parliamentary time to debate properly the huge issues at stake. Make it clear that their vote on this matter will affect how we will vote at the next General Election.

Please read our information pack on the issues in this bill. A miracle is needed to stop this Bill. We believe in the God of miracles—please pray that the Lord will intervene, delivering us from this Bill.

Mass Lobby of Parliament

Join the National Lobby of Parliament, 14th May 2008, 12.30 pm onwards This is a vital opportunity to tell your MP how strongly you feel about the introduction of the Bill. Please arrange to meet your MP in Parliament anytime from 12.30 pm onwards. Passion for Life will supply briefings to help inform your discussion. (NB Even if your MP cannot meet that day, it is vital that you still come to London to leave cards/letters and to show your support).

Refreshments, literature and an opportunity to meet pro-life MPs will all be at the Emmanuel Centre, Marsham Street (5 minutes’ walk from Parliament) from 12.30 pm until the evening.

Please don’t miss this opportunity to have your say on this vital issue. Now is the time to arrange transport, book appointments with MPs and encourage friends and colleagues to join you in travelling to London.

For further information call (020) 3176 0032, or

Alive and Kicking Campaign

Alive and Kicking has sent all MPs a letter, letting them know that any votes on abortion will be monitored by Alive and Kicking and published for the public to access. This information will have an impact on public voting at the next general election—especially for those MPs with marginal seats.

You can check your MP’s majority on the Alive and Kicking MPs’ database on their website. Simply click on the MPs’ database, enter your postcode, or select your MP—their majority is listed under ‘Details of MP’. The number of their majority may well be lower than the number of Christians in your constituency. Getting in contact with other churches in your area and lobbying your MP together would be a very effective way of putting pressure on your MP.

Please also continue to send your petitions to Alive and Kicking; these will be presented to 10 Downing Street in the coming weeks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"we would like Christians everywhere to come and stand in their hundreds.."

Do you mean millions ?

I would like to encourage Catholics everywhere to stop whatever they are doing at 12 noon, to say The Angelus and to fast on Monday, that this diabolical plan to further dehumanize mankind will get no further than this reading.

Pope Leo XIII's Prayer to St Michael

Holy Michael, Archangel, defend us in the day of battle. Be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, thrust down to Hell Satan, and all wicked spirits who wander through the world for the ruin of souls. Amen